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Airborne print was inspired from watching swifts swoop and circle over summer corn fields, it was so joyful to watch. Available in two different colourways of summer blues and energising pink and green.


Airborne is an A4 fine art giclee print. Printed on  280gsm soft cotton archival paper using quality archival inks for longevity, it is delivered unframed, flat and backed with card, wrapped in a protective sleeve.


The print can be dropped into a standard A4 frame without a border. If you wish to frame the print with a border it will fit in to an A3 frame with an A4 mount.



Prints are available up to A2 in size by commission. Please contact us directly for further details and prices. 



A4 PRINT: 21 CM X 29.7 CM (8.27" X 11.69")


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